Earl of East :: Strand Incense Cones

$ 23.00

Strand scented incense is inspired by the city of Copenhagen. It is a complex scent combining the salty notes of seaweed with birchwood, bay leaf and mandarin rind to create a rich scent perfect for evenings at home or for a sophisticated dinner party.

Use: Light the tip of the incense cone with a flame until it catches, then blow out. Place upright using a heatproof incense holder.

  • Scent: Birchwood, bay leaf, mandarin
  • Hand dipped scented incense
  • Tin contains 16 cones
  • Each cone burns for approximately 15 minutes
  • Material: Macco powder, mixed with spring water turned into a paste and then shaped into the cones by hand
  • Recyclable tin packaging

Benefits: The fresh and citrusy aroma of mandarin is known for its balancing and uplifting properties.

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