Spring has Sprung ! Rachel Comey , La Prestic Ouiston & R13 Spring has Sprung ! Rachel Comey , La Prestic Ouiston & R13 have arrived

1618 Silver lake blvd LA,CA 90026

Mon-Sun 11-6

Silver Lake Reservoir T-Shirt
Silver Lake Reservoir T-Shirt
Silver Lake Reservoir T-Shirt
Silver Lake Reservoir T-Shirt

Silver Lake Reservoir T-Shirt

$ 40.00

Grab a T-shirt ~ support a great non profit ~ wear with pride while walking the reservoir! 

The Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy (SLRC) is an all-volunteer, non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving and enhancing the historical, aesthetic, ecological, and recreational benefits of Silver Lake's reservoirs and surrounding open space. SLRC works to facilitate the transition of the decommissioned reservoir property by reflecting community preferences regarding land use, including recreation, wildlife and native plants, public access, and on-site infrastructure.

to learn more visit :  http://www.silverlakereservoirs.org/