Spring Collections Arriving! SPRING COLLECTIONS ARRIVING

1618 Silver lake blvd LA,CA 90026

Mon-Sun 11-6

The School of Life :: Dating Cards
The School of Life :: Dating Cards
The School of Life :: Dating Cards
The School of Life :: Dating Cards

The School of Life :: Dating Cards

$ 20.00

This pack includes 52 dating conversation cards, each one posing an intriguing question or setting a challenge, designed to provoke, entertain and stimulate.

As a bonus, the cards are graded according to how probing they are (Easy, Medium and Hard) so that you can playfully match the discussion with the flow of an evening.

Example Questions:

  • How might you entertain a five-year-old child that a friend left you with for an hour or two?
  • Sketch the course of three previous relationships you’ve had.
  • Without thinking too much, complete the sentence: ‘The problem with most of the people I’ve been on a date with is…’
  • Who would you like to go back and apologise to – and for what?
  • Describe your first kiss?
  • What are the main points you would like to be covered in a speech at your funeral?